Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024

June 21, 2024

SPJIMR’s Yoga Week, a celebration of International Yoga Day 2024, was a resounding success. The week-long event, held at our Mumbai and Delhi campuses, not only promoted mindfulness and physical well-being but also fostered a stronger sense of community among the SPJIMR employees. SPJIMR faculty and professionals enthusiastically participated in the Yoga Week activities from June 17 to June 21, 2024. The well-planned sessions were designed to benefit the diverse audience, which included yoga novices as well as seasoned practitioners. Every day after the morning yoga sessions, wholesome and nourishing refreshments were also served to help participants take on their workday with renewed energy.

We extend our gratitude to Bhavan’s Yoga Centre for this collaboration across Mumbai and Delhi. Their expertise and skill made each session a truly enhancing experience. Mrs. Vidula Angol, an experienced yoga trainer with Bhavan’s Yoga Centre, provided invaluable guidance and conducted the yoga sessions in Mumbai. We also appreciate Mr. Imran from the BVV Delhi Kendra for facilitating yoga sessions in Delhi. Yoga Week highlighted the profound impact of yoga on an individual’s physical fitness, mental health, and emotional stability. Our participating members shared that the week-long sessions underscored the importance of a regular yoga practice to achieve a balanced and stress-free life.

Dr. Ekta Saxena, Senior Lead-Executive Programmes, SPJIMR Delhi Campus, commented, “We learned effective yoga mudras and asanas focusing on pranayama, surya namaskar, and posture to enhance spine health. All these are very relevant for working professionals’ wellbeing and also promote mindfulness.”

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