
Recognised as one of the best libraries in Mumbai, the state-of-the-art SPJIMR library houses a rich collection of management literature and electronic resources. Open all seven days for 14 hours; it offers a wide range of services with exceptional academic resources. The Reading Room facility is is open 21hrs a day from 8.00 AM to 5.00 AM

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  • A collection of over 29,000+ books and more than 30,000 ebooks, including the most recent publications in various areas covering, but not limited to, Business, Economics and Management.
  • A rare digital collection of over 8,000 CD-ROMs and DVDs includes audio/video material on the core subjects and an archive of various in-house events, lectures and programmes.
  • Network with other renowned libraries, including the British Council Library, American Resource Center and World Trade Centre Library, for broader access and information research.
  • A Reading Room facility with free Wi-Fi access and LAN internet is open 21hrs a day from 8.00 AM to 5.00 AM
  • Remote login and connect to all the library resources and services.
  • International and national academic periodicals and journals as well as business magazines.

Online database subscriptions

SPJIMR library offers a host of impressive online database subscriptions which include:

  • Ebsco: Business Source Complete
  • Emerald Online Journals

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