Project title:

Wellness unlimited: An analysis of wellness programs at St. Jude India Child Care Centre for parents of children undergoing cancer treatment.

Participant: Rajinder Shirley
Batch 17

Organisation: St Jude India ChildCare Centre

Area of impact: Health and Well-being

Alignment with SDGs


Good health and well-being


Reduced inequality


Partnership for the goals

Brief description

This project aimed at analysing the wellness programme of St. Jude India Child Care Centres which provide hygienic, protective, nurturing environment for children battling cancer. The outcome of the project provided a thorough analysis of the wellness programme, which includes counselling, skill building and recreational activities for the parents of the children. The project concluded that the programme had transformative impact of the programme on parents of children undergoing cancer treatment. Through comprehensive analysis and feedback gathering, the project revealed that the wellness programme significantly contributes to parents' resilience and emotional well-being during the challenging journey of their child's illness. Parents expressed gratitude for the programme's holistic support, including access to counselling, therapy sessions, and various activities aimed at promoting physical and mental well-being. Moreover, the study highlighted the programme's role in fostering lasting friendships among families and providing a supportive environment where parents could lean on the staff for encouragement and motivation. Overall, the outcome of the project emphasises the invaluable role of the wellness programme in empowering parents and enhancing their ability to cope with the demands of their child's cancer treatment.

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