Frequently asked questions (FAQs)| FPM

  • What is the eligibility criteria for the programme?

    • First-class Master’s degree, or an integrated first-class Master’s degree in any discipline, or professional qualifications such as CA, ICWA, or CS, with a minimum of 60% marks.
    • Candidates without work experience can apply if they have the motivation and background to pursue a rigorous research programme.
    • Candidates with significant work experience (over ten years) are also welcome as long as they have the motivation and background to pursue a rigorous research programme.
  • What is the programme fees?

    FPM Full-time at SPJIMR is a fully-funded residential programme. Every scholar admitted to the full-time programme receives stipend for the first four years of the programme. FPM Part-time is a non-residential programme, and the total fee for the programme is Rs.12 lakhs.

  • Is it a residential programme?

    FPM Full-time at SPJIMR is a residential programme, on campus hostel accommodation is offered for the outstation candidates. FPM Part-time is a non-residential programme designed to cater to the scholarly needs of working professionals, they may continue their career journey while pursuing the programme.

  • Is it necessary to have work experience to apply for the programme?

    Candidates with significant work experience (over ten years) are welcome as long as they have the motivation and background to pursue a rigorous research programme and candidates with no work experience are also eligible to apply as long as they have the motivation and background to pursue a rigorous research programme.

  • What is the total intake of the programme?

    A maximum of 10 participants only (full-time and part-time) each year.

  • Do I need to indicate an area of specialisation while applying for the programme?

    Yes, you need to mention your choice for area of specialisation with a reason for selecting the same.

  • Can we apply for more than one specialisation?

    Yes, you are allowed to select two areas of specialisation in your application form. 

  • How does opting for two specialisations benefit me?

    The applicants having interest /experience in multi-disciplinary domains can apply for two specialisation areas, with proper reasoning. The interview panels would decide which of the specialisation areas are more suitable for you to carry out your research.

  • Am I allowed to change my specialisation once I join the programme?

    Yes, you are allowed to change your specialisation before finalising the seminar courses for the respected area of specialisation with proper reasons.

  • When does the application process begin?

    The application window opens in November to February every year. Click here

  • When is the last date to submit the form?

    Applications for Batch 2024 are closed.

  • How do I pay my application fees?

    The application processing fee is INR 1,000. This fee can be paid through credit/debit card or net banking. The application processing fee is non-refundable.

  • During online payment the amount was deducted from my bank account but the transaction Id was not generated and I am not able to submit the form. What should I do?

    Please write to

  • Who should I contact if I have a question regarding the status of the application?

    You may raise a query on the admission portal; your query will be answered within two working days or write to

  • When do I need to submit the documents to support the data I have filled in the form?

    At the time of submission of the application form you can simultaneously upload the documents.

  • What is the selection process for the programme?

    The shortlisting panel peruse the candidate’s academic qualifications, work experience, profile, motivation, recommendations and fit with the institute’s research profile and its mission.

    The shortlisted candidate will go through a 2-stage interview process, Research Aptitude Test (RAT) and a Personal Interview. The Research Aptitude Test consists of two parts – General Aptitude and Research Aptitude.

  • Can I reschedule my interview date once I choose a slot?

    Yes, you can speak to admission office and reschedule your interview only in case of emergency.

  • Is there any scholarship available?

    No, there is no scholarship available for the programme.

  • Is there any special housing arrangement for married students?

    No, we have single-occupancy rooms for our FPM scholars.

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