Programme genesis

Agile, has been at the forefront of software development and other project management for the last few years. But their utility outside the software development industry has been recognised in the last decade, with many organisations adopting the Agile organisation structure for their and many consulting organisations such as McKinsey, Bain, Deloitte are helping teams and organisations become agile. But the big question is “What is Agile?” and how is it different from “Agility”.

Agile is more than a method or a methodology and more than a suggested organisational structure. It is in words of Eric Bobo, an Agile Transformation Leader and Coach, “Agile is a mindset, philosophy or way of thinking”. Agile, to be successful, also needs to have built-in resilience in its adaptive structures. The programme is an attempt to help participants understand and adopt the agile practices in work design and cultivate resilience to be able to lead and succeed in uncertain times

Programme goals

The programme seeks to have the following objectives

  • Focus on the genesis and philosophy behind Agile
  • Introduce participants to the application of Agile in organisations apart from software development and the challenges faced.
  • Implementing an Agile approach to bring in the desired change.
  • Embedding Resilience into the DNA of the organisation, both at the Individual and Organisational Level


  • Interactive discussions, lectures, industry examples, videos, classroom exercises
  • Role-play and case analysis
  • In-class public speaking exercise and feedback


Download Brochure
  • What is Agile and Enterprise Agility
  • Being v/s Doing Agile
  • Agile v/s Agility
  • Why Agile and When and Where to Apply Agile
  • Agile Frameworks – What we can take from Scrum
  • Agile Laws and Values
  • Agile Manifesto and Principles
  • Pillars of Agility: Planning Agility, Funding Agility, Technical Agility, Leadership Agility, Team Agility and People Agility
  • Agile Mindset
  • The Agile Mindset Questionnaire
  • How to Build an Agile Mindset
  • Building an Agile and Resilient Organisation
Agile Leadership

The functions of an Agile Leader

  • The Agile Leaders’ Self –Assessment
  • Being an Agile Boss
Agile Behaviors
  • Experimental and Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Dealing with Ambiguity Risking-taking and Freedom to Fail
  • Role Agility and Learning Agility
  • Using Values to Build Resilience
  • Role of Digital in Agile Transformation
AWOW (Agile Way of Working)
  • Being an Agile Coach
  • Using Values to Build Agility and Resilience
  • Building Agile Values and Resilient Culture
  • Driving Execution Excellence in an Agile World
  • Implementing Agile (Experience Sharing by Industry Expert and Academia)

Who should attend?

This programme is designed for middle to senior level management.


INR 24,900 + GST

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