Project title:

Critical examination of the idea and feasibility of adoption of one nation, one textbook for higher-secondary science and mathematics.

Participant: Brototy Mishra
Batch 20

Organisation: Claylab Education Foundation

Area of impact: Education

Alignment with SDGs


Quality education


Reduced inequality

Brief description

The outcome of the project on the critical examination of the idea and feasibility of adopting ‘One Nation, One Textbook’ for higher-secondary science and mathematics reveals a nuanced understanding of the complexities within the education system. Through qualitative analysis and in-depth interrogation, the study unveils the limitations of common textbooks as a solution to the challenges faced in education. It highlights that while common textbooks may provide temporary relief and support for government school students, they fail to address the systemic issues inherent in the education system. Moreover, the research underscores the danger of perpetuating social stratification and overlooking diversity by imposing uniform textbooks. Ultimately, the project’s outcome calls for reevaluating educational priorities, advocating for a system that nurtures creativity, imagination, and inclusivity rather than relying on standardised approaches that stifle individuality and critical thinking.

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