FinNovate Mentors Meet

April 28, 2023

SPJIMR recently hosted a successful FinNovate Accelerator Mentors meet in Mumbai. The event was attended by 14 distinguished industry leaders and experts from the finance sector. Mr Manoj Mohan, WISE Tech Executive Director and Head of FinNovate Accelerator presented the Centre’s vision and various initiatives in his keynote address and elaborated on FinNovate and the vital roles that the mentors will play.

The mentors then introduced themselves and shared their professional experience and vision for the programme followed by a productive round table discussion on the growing need for accelerator programmes like FinNovate. The diverse range of expertise and experience brought by each mentor provided valuable insights and perspectives that will undoubtedly aid FinNovate Accelerator in achieving its goals.

The event concluded with a high tea session, where the mentors networked and interacted with each other informally. FinNovate Mentors Meet provided a unique opportunity for industry experts and academicians to interact, learn, and collaborate towards the common goal of fostering innovation and growth in the finance industry.

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